New album out now! True North




The Alex Lopez Band

  Alex Lopez is the definition of an artist. He takes his emotions, thoughts, and feelings transforming them into tangible music. With the release of his third solo album, True North Alex makes a dynamic shift in his sound. Each of his previous albums offered a different piece of his heart and soul, which continually grows and evolves. When asked about his songwriting, Alex feels that the songs “should capture that honest moment in a certain situation. Whether it's love, heartbreak, anger, frustration …when you're honest about it, it speaks for itself”. From self-titled debut album that was released in 2008, which dealt with complex and conflicting emotions in an ever-changing world, to his second album, 2018’s In The Absence of Your Light, that expressed loss, grief and acceptance. Alex’s latest album might have a different sound to it; however, it still expresses his story-telling nature and is filled with love and healing.  
  Alex Lopez’s style has transformed throughout his musical career from a grungy Seattle-styled sound, to more of a hard rock style with elements of alternative, pop, and folk, but one thing remains, his ability to take his emotions and create beautiful music. True North draws from some Alex’s inspirations from various bands and musicians, such as, Alice in Chains, The Eagles, Robi Draco Rosa, and Damon Johnson.  
  As Alex continues this musical journey and evolving his songs & sound, this much is clear, if True North is any indication of where Alex Lopez currently is, then we should all be excited where he ends up next. 
